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Every year more than 150 Grade 11-12 business students wreck their brains, tear their hair, brainstorm till they run out of ideas, learn new technologies, collaborate, team up with people who are not their friends , think with compassion, work with passion – converting a simple idea scribbled on the paper into a real working product which can bring a smile on somebody’s face.

The project is in form of a competition and announced to the students – stating what are the objectives, what are they expected to do, rules and regulations of the competition and the important dates for submission of final presentation. The students are given autonomy to choose their own team mates, set their own deadlines, choose their own social problem and product idea and technology tools. There is only one condition; the product has to be socially useful.






To be a successful entrepreneur, students have to learn that in order to succeed in the market, product has to be launched well to the identified target audience.

Phase two of the competition requires the students to create a complete marketing plan- including newspaper and magazine advertisements, radio jingles, television advertisement, product website creation and using social media for marketing their product.

As Bill Gates has rightly pointed out ‘Sometimes market forces fail to make an impact in developing countries not because there’s no demand, or even because money is lacking, but because we don’t spend enough time studying the needs and requirements of that market.’ Launching the product to the correct target customer is very crucial for success of any business.

Phase two of the competition requires the students to create a complete marketing plan- including newspaper and magazine advertisements, radio jingles, television advertisement, product website creation and using social media for marketing the product to the target customers.

Students use variety of technological Tools like Microsoft Publisher, One Note, Word, Power Point, Paint, Movie Maker, Song Smith, Skype, SkyDrive, Adobe Photoshop, Sony Vegas, Wix etc.

Phase Three of competition requires all the teams to present their entire Product and Marketing Portfolio to the judges who are experts from different fields. Feedback given by the judges help teams improvises their skills. Experts/teachers/students from other countries join through Skype for evaluation.

This project integrates creativity, critical thinking, communication with the core subject areas and prepares students to be responsible entrepreneurs of 21st century.


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